The day after Israel made the decision to commit genocide, an article was written by International Relations Expert Ercan Harmancı on March 3, 2023. And this warning article was shared by many multinational organizations and their official social media accounts…
Why couldn’t diplomats, politicians and international organizations see what Ercan Harmancı saw? Or didn’t they want to see it?
Now I am sharing this unique article with you
Our Friend Israel (!)
The question is, what happened that diplomatic relations with Israel, which have been suspended for years, suddenly turned into a heart-to-heart hug… Or is there an Israeli Diaspora among us and they say “Our Friend Israel!”…
Review of Relations with Israel
What happened that even America told its special envoys to Israel, “Enough, you are not only endangering yourselves but also us”, and a file called “Review of Relations with Israel” was presented to our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who is the prayer of the oppressed?
I have been trying to follow the developments in Israel and Palestine in real time for a long time, of course I do not do this by following the news that falls on national or global news agencies.
I used to say that due to the geopolitical position of our country, they cannot see it due to the intensity and therefore cannot show immediate reactions. I do not say that anymore. No matter what anyone says, there is an Israeli Lobby within us… Personally, except for our President and a few exceptions, neither the MPs, bureaucrats nor diplomats have any concerns about the Ummah or Palestine…
Apart from the fact that “One Minute!” in our language is “Cut the Hell Out of Israel!”
I believe that there is an Israeli Diaspora within the AK Party that misleads and informs a charismatic leader who says “One Minute!” in English, “Cut the Hell Out of Israel!” not only to Israel but also to the witnesses of global powers and the global media… As follows…
In order to understand this, it is necessary to read the behind the scenes of the most recently formed Netanyahu Government correctly. Maybe you can’t see what is happening in the squares and streets of Israel on giant screens as “Last Minute”… However, the “Gezi Events” have been going on in Israel for more than a month… While the Gezi Events in our country are going against the interests of our country, in Israel, there are Israeli people who have taken to the squares, considering the interests of their country, and are demanding an account from Netanyahu’s government…
God forbid, let alone the thousands, tens of thousands, or even 100,000 protesters like in Israel, if ten people gathered to protest Erdoğan, it would be served to the global media as “Last Minute”…
Politicians, bureaucrats and diplomats may be deprived of much of the information I will detail in the following paragraph, this does not mean that they are unequipped and I am very well-equipped… However, this means that if you have a concern, you go after it and reach it, but if you don’t have such a concern, you cannot see what is in front of your eyes or you zap in order not to see it…
OffRecord Israel
Backstage, negotiations You may not know or have heard of the OffRecord oaths…
Just a few days ago, when American politicians and even diplomats were making statements with their corporate identity saying “Hawara is not a terrorist attack, it is genocide, it is absolutely unacceptable”, why didn’t a single politician from my country come out and make a statement that would affect the world agenda…
However, despite all this oppression, last night, Israel-Turkey diplomacy made a Disaster Diplomacy on its corporate Twitter account and glorified the aid of tents? Neither conscience nor reason can accept this…
Fill in the Blank for Israel
We have a diplomatic reality that cannot see the hundreds of cars, homes and workplaces burned in Hawara, and unfortunately, the massacre of our Palestinian brothers who came to Maraş with brotherhood rights against the earthquake, but cannot take their eyes off the tent a few meters away, their hearts tremble and their eyes fill with tears… This is not called Institutional Blindness, this is not called Mental Fatigue, what is this called “ ………………….” come and fill in the blank I left.
There is a government in Israel that even the State of Israel questions its legitimacy. Could it be that our diplomacy does not know this? There is a fact that needs to be acknowledged in diplomacy; the intensity and effectiveness of the Presidency and the ruling government are incomparably different in terms of the effectiveness and intensity of multinational relations.
While your diplomacy with the Presidency is perhaps limited to a few issues once a year, your diplomacy with the government carries a complex workload that needs to be followed up weekly.
What interests and what assurances would our diplomats want to establish a relationship with the government of a country that does not see its own government as legitimate?
Who Knows Israel Better…
You do not know, yes you may be an International Relations Expert, but we are holding talks for the Mediterranean Energy Deposits… You do not know, we are holding talks for Gaza, which is not receiving electricity… You do not know, we are holding talks to solve the settlement problems of the Palestinians there… You do not know, we are working hard with the M. Abbas government there… Oh, is that so? Then let me share what I don’t know and see who will agree with whom…
First, how will you trust Netanyahu’s government and sign… Is it the government that determines the right to use marine resources; the Presidency or Multinational Organizations? Well, you trusted the government, I am not talking about the government of England, what assurance and guarantee will Netanyahu’s government give you without meeting with the powers behind closed doors…
Even though you know better than me, let me share information about the Netanyahu Government and the negotiations of the organization, then you continue the negotiations with Netanyahu’s government for Gaza’s electricity…
Israel’s Government is Not Netanyahu, It’s Bezalel Smotrich
All the codes of the Netanyahu Government are the leading spiritual leader of the Israeli Religious Zionist movement, the founder of the Jewish Settlement Project and politician Rabbi Haim Druckman, who was killed last month, at least search this name in search engines, then let the institution’s data experts do data mining on the Deep Web…
Rabbi Chaim Druckman, Netanyahu and Bezalel Smotrich met in Durckman’s study. More accurately, Smotrich brought Netanyahu to Durckman through blackmail and threats. If I say study room, don’t understand it as a study room he uses daily… A special room, a vault where oaths are taken and rituals are held… Smotrich shows Netanyahu a visual with a code and motif of the Middle East and domino stones and tells him that the target is the promised land… In the event of seclusion, Druckman says keferetül fecere, you will make all the decisions, Netanyahu will implement this, the Ark of the Covenant and the Belt are the signs that he promised… Americans are your enemies as much as Arabs… The genocide will be extended not to the Arabs but to the Americans who prevent us from reaching the Promised Land…
There will be those who will ask how you know, they should end the reading here and take care of their time… Those who say tell me, it gets exciting can watch a more exciting one on Netflix… for those who say let’s come to happiness
The most important ritual in the training Druckman went through is that one person speaks, the others just listen, even saying “Okay, sir” is considered treason. We can only learn from Smotrich what Druckman said to them…
The oath that Druckman made them take there… Only those who swear can speak… In fact, what I will write below are the truths that we are familiar with, both from the verses of our Book, the Quran, and from the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah…
לחטוף את התינוקות seize their babies and kidnap them…
להרוג את הילדים של הערבים! Kill the children of the Arabs.. What is meant here is the children of the age we call Generation Z, namely the youth…
להרוס את הקינים שלהם destroy, burn and destroy their homes
תוציא אותם מהאדמה שלנו remove them from our lands
וללבוש את הכתר הנצחי שלך and wear the crown of eternity
Now, what kind of relationship will you establish and maintain with a government that has taken this oath according to the rules of rational and positive diplomacy…
Well, these are just predictions or intentions, if you do not know what is happening in that geography and the tricks that are going on, for you it is just a plot fiction novel. If you know, you will agree with more…
Have you ever wondered why a minister responsible for finance was made the sole authority for the Presidency of Settlements the other day? Who is Smotrich…
Why was Hawara burned and destroyed? Why did Ben Gvir, who represents the highest authority responsible for security, provoke Palestinian shopkeepers as if he were going to a neighborhood fight last week? When did you come and watch…Smotrich, who said I don’t want the Minister of Defense, told Ben Gvir “Use all your provocative power; if necessary, Bibi will remove the IDF obstacle in front of us” what is this? They are the footsteps of a new century’s genocide… Despite all this, while all the arguments necessary for my country’s diplomacy to suspend relations stand before them like rocks, they are after being the lifeblood of these relations for some kind of expected benefit…
Israeli Mafia Boss Ben Gvir
Why did a few names in the search and rescue team from Israel pursue saving the covenants wrapped in rolls instead of saving people… Note, those covenants were not returned, they were just changed… Here, watch this as well: Are people or rolls being saved?
Hamam Durckman accepts M. Dahlan, not Abbas, as the representative of Palestine. Israel’s recent strategy to bring Dahlan to power is genocide… When Israel takes over the administration of Gaza with the support of Abbas, the unbelievable Al-Aqsa Demolition Plan will be put into effect and Durkman’s will, the Al-Aqsa Mosque will be demolished with the התעוררות מחדש Revival project and a giant synagogue will be built in its place and the crown of eternity will be placed on Israel… Not being able to see these cannot be explained by institutional blindness alone..
If you wonder what Durckman wanted him to say, “This land is the promised land of the Israelites, not the Arabs!” This is a martyrdom word for them…
More interestingly, Durkman’s words to Smotrich, “Be careful, I do not trust this man!” sentence…
Will the apocalypse begin from here, the stones where the Israelites are hiding will show them; Jesus (pbuh) will be the ruler… The stage will close so that it will never open…
God forbid, but I have neither knowledge nor foresight on this subject other than the fact that Netanyahu’s last government, or rather the Smotrich Government, will be recorded in history books as the interregnum period of the State of Israel…
My last word is that Turkey should immediately suspend all relations with this government. While even Herzog is afraid and anxious about this government and complains to his superiors saying “They do not listen to me”… Hey those with authority and authority, who asked you to work to reorganize relations with Israel…
I know it like I know… Not our President…
If there is little brotherhood, little conscience, if there are still undying cells left, there will be no ambassador, no ambassador, no consul, even a fire… Let him stand up to Israel and say “We have no business with tyrants!” let it be said…
We were not the first state to cut ties with Israel, but wake up so that we are not the last state…
Ercan Harmancı
International Relations Expert